Welcome to Washington Outdoor Women (WOW)!

Our Mission – To teach women and girls traditional and relevant outdoor skills through hands-on workshops to achieve confidence and self-reliance; to feel actively connected to the outdoors as good stewards of our environment, and to pass on these values to the next generation.

Whether new to an outdoor skill or upping your knowledge base, WOW can help you gain confidence to go further when you get out there as a Washington Outdoor Woman.  We look forward to seeing you in the outdoors!

Our 2025 Workshop Calendar is in the works…. here is what you can look forward to:

  • Shellfish Harvesting – “Digging for Dinner” (April date coming soon.)
  • Fall Weekend Workshop – sign up for 3-different skills: Sep 12-14th (registration to begin middle of June.)
  • Outdoor Skills 101 – a 1-day workshop giving you an introduction to build confidence (date coming soon.)

Be sure to sign up for our notifications and follow our Facebook page for updates!

Wander and Wonder with WOW!
Explore outdoor skills, resources/tips, happenings and more on our blog!

View photo albums of WOW workshops
All photo sales support the WOW program!

Join our contact list
We’ll send you information about our workshops. And don’t worry, WOW respects your privacy.

If you want to donate to the Washington Outdoor Women’s mission and help us to continue our outdoor educational programs, you can become a Program Donor here.  WOW is a program of the Washington Wildlife Federation, a 501(c)(3).

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Weekend Workshop

WOW’s signature Fall workshop spans from a Friday afternoon to a Sunday afternoon, offering up to 21 different courses.

One-Day Workshops


WOW offers several one-day focused workshops throughout the year to drill down on particular outdoor skills.


WOW is an outdoor skills education program of the Washington Wildlife Federation.