We encourage women to seek hands-on education via Washington’s Department of Fish & Wildlife Hunter’s Ed Program.

Join other women for this workshop that focuses on the basics of shotgun safety, handling, and technique, with several hours for shooting clay targets. Skills are taught by certified instructors and all equipment and supplies are provided by the WOW program.
At the conclusion of this workshop, women will be able to identify and locate the major parts of a shotgun, barrel sizes, and five different types of actions. They will understand the components of a shotgun, how a shotgun operates and the rules for safe shooting. Women will have the opportunity to try pump, hinge, and semi-automatic actions.
Women attending will learn and be able to demonstrate how to handle a shotgun in a safe manner, how to safely load, unload, and carry a shotgun. They will clean a shotgun and discuss storage options.
Participants will be introduced to basic trapshooting skills. These include establishing dominant eye, proper stance, how to mount a shotgun, eye and barrel placement, and the all-important follow-through. Each woman will have the opportunity to shoot at moving clay targets.
Unbelievable fun and incredible experts (instructors) in the outdoor sports. A four star adventure for every woman!
I got practical use applications – now I have the basics and I’m on my way…Thank you!
This great program is vital to ensure future conservationists and instill the importance of hunting and fishing and other outdoor activities.
Take the challenge – become a Washington Outdoor Woman!
If you would like to learn more about this workshop as details become available and you are not already on the mailing list, sign up now for our mailing list.