September 16-18 saw 115 women and 31 volunteer instructors participating in the WWF/WOW 2005 Fall Workshop. The versatile site on the south fork of the Snoqualmie River provided miles of trails in old growth forest, shelters and classrooms for instruction, warm lodging, and rustic places for group gatherings: everything necessary for a wonderful weekend of outdoor skills instruction. Fly Fishing had an open field to practice dry land casting before setting a fly in the river. FFF provided 8 stations for fly tying novices to try their hand with a hackle. Survival, Wildlife Identification, Big Game Hunting/Wildlife Conservation, Map & Compass, Outdoor Photography, and Cooking with Wild Foods all used the outdoors for their classroom. Women paddled canoes on Rattlesnake Lake, cooked Dutch Oven meals, identified animal tracks, tasted wild game, and fired arrows. Field-to-Freezer students learned how to properly cut and wrap meat; Wilderness First Aid participants bandaged each other, and Birders constructed their own bird houses. The Growing Wild class put its new Backyard Wildlife Habitat concepts into place by re-planting the camp entrance with native vegetation to attract wildlife. The Basic Fishing class caught trout on Rattlesnake Lake after learning proper casting technique and bait tips. And After-the-Catch participants filleted salmon, cleaned crab, shucked oysters, and steamed clams. A new class in 2005, Cordage-making, wove lanyards from native vegetation and handmade a cedar pouch for needles or fishing flies. The entire workshop learned about first aid for dogs on the trail and personal self defense in the outdoors or when encountering bear or cougar. The camaraderie around the campfire created many new friendships. Resources provided by more than 50 clubs, agencies, and organizations showed beginners how to pursue any skill of their choice. WOW’s instructors, chosen for their knowledge, experience, and teaching style, do what they teach and they are the best! Many hold state rankings and certifications. All are passionate about the outdoor skill they teach, and willingly volunteer their time and experience to give women the opportunity to gain the confidence they need to approach and enjoy the outdoors.
A total of 18 skills were offered at WOW’s Fall workshop (Click on Course Descriptions to check out the variety).
Plans are developing for other one day workshops throughout the year. Check this website for future selection and dates.